Tuesday 23 November 2010

Today is the day for Aye Waukin O

Christine is on the piano, having worked out her guitar part, coming up with ideas for Aye Waukin O - another beautiful example of the songs of Robert Burns. The first parts are due to be recorded tonight. Christine is better to be able to do it when the mood is right - but hey, emotion comes from motion, right, so putting the plan in place is a good first step.

We spoke with Alan Grant yesterday - a very nice man who seems to be connected to everyone :-) We are speaking with Alan to see how we can help each other in what we are aiming to achieve.

Going to be getting a few instrumentalists together soon - or maybe work with each one independently - not sure yet. Want to start getting a few sounds down as we move forward with the Robert Burns' songs project rather than wait until we have got all the raw tracks down. Who knows, new ideas may flow from bringing in other musicians.

Must keep the stripped back sound though - no clutter - space for the voice - space for the words - just raw and pure emotion - just like Robert Burns.

Aye Waukin O Lyrics:
Summer's a pleasant time
Flowers of every colour
The water runs o'er the heugh
And I long for my true lover

Aye waukin-O
Waukin still and weary
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking of my dearie
Ay waukin, O

When I sleep I dream
When I wake I'm eerie
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking of my dearie
Aye waukin-O ...

Lonely night comes on
A' the lave are sleepin'
I think on my bonnie lad
And blur my eyes wi' weepin'
Aye waukin-O...

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